2 Degrees Contact Centre
Outstanding growth and the objective of providing outstanding service lead to a need to refresh their Contact Centre technology platform. Our brief was to capture business/operational needs and use an RFP to select a new technology platform/partner.
Specific Goals:
- Innovation that differentiates 2Degrees approach to service
- Increase customer satisfaction
- Reduction in the cost per customer inquiry
- Reduction in support / development costs
- Increase in platform/solution uptime
- Reduction in average handling time (AHT)
1 month – we had just over one month to identify the right platform before the Christmas break. This would 2Degrees to complete a proof of concept and target commissioning the selected platorm/solution in the first quarter of 2012.
Request For Proposal development
Rapid development required a high reliance on 2Degrees staff to identify their business, operational, user and technical needs. Interviews, workshops and historical report analysis allowed the rapid development of the RFP. The rapid approach was planned to:
- Maximise 2Degrees understanding of potential solutions and short-list potential Solution Providers
- Brief potential Solution Providers of a pending RFP
- Minimise the time the potential Solution Providers had to respond to the RFP.
- Allow weighted score analysis to completed by the Evaluation team
This culminated with informing the selected Solution Provider of 2Degrees intention to proceed with a Proof of Concept in January 2012.
Project Review
- Started the project mid-November and achieved all deadlines
- Rapid approach not ideal (and not recommended) but 2Degrees are happy with the outcome.
- The time of year placed significant pressures on the Solution Providers and some stood up to be counted. One could drw the parallel that their ability to react quickly to 2Degrees requirements in the RFP reflects directly on their ability to support 2Degrees moving forward
- Project successful.
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